DCNet-X :: Info


DCNet is an attempt in creating a full functional up-to-date direct connect server designed and used for people hosting servers on direct connect networks (like udgnet/asgards). With perfectly built and designed hub linking allow people with network admin rights to control every hub on the network using DCNet at a touch of a button.

The -X means nothing really, but after the failed attempt of DCNet v0.6/7/8 I stopped coding, until the ADC draft was addressed too me, and I realised by just reading it how much more advanced and awesome this new protocol would be so I decided to open up my IDE and start a fresh. Unfortunately, I was beginning to hate working with my old IDE, and the bad debugging info. So I tried a new path, and started using a new IDE called C++ Builder X (see where I got the name from ;)). The main Advantage of C++ Builder X is that it's a cross platform IDE for creating cross platform applications. PERFECT!

DCNet-X Version 0.101's source (yes source! unlike the others its open!) is available via sourceforge . At the moment is has very little settings available.

DCNet-X 0.101 can run either as a daemon (NT Service) or as a console terminal, either one is pretty stable (not crashed so far) and uses very little CPU/Memory (memory at about 2mb in total via a daemon, about 600k as a console). I still need to optimise this and remove chunky code but it works pretty well as a pre-alpha release.

*nix support is not quite fixed, I need to get FC2 running with my modem before I can go any further ;) but it is about 80% of the way there.


DCNet-X at SourceForge.net